When Mars and Venus take the plunge,sparks are bound to fly.Here is the perfect prenuptial
agreement to keep the cosmic balance.

1)  Never ask me tricky questions like this one:"Do I look fat in this dress?"If you do, I have
right to remain silent.

2)  You will honour the sacred vows at least seven nights a week.Or more.Only genuine head
aches exempt(hey I am sensitive guy.)

3)  Do not initiate conversation during these times FOOTBALL on ESPN and S chumacher
during rubber.EXCEPTIONS:What's the score?and can I get your some more chips,swwetie?

4)  Do not play with nature -the car is mine.Mine.Mine.MIne.The washing machine is yours.

5)  Please respect my razor.It goes on my face.........not on my legs.

6)  You can nag.But don't nag,nag,nag.

answer for the question ARE YOU LETTING YOURSELF GO?

6 or more FALSE
You are put together -and it shows.Your weight is healthy,
your hair is neatly styled,and you are generally happy about
the way you look.


For many reasons (starting with too much to do in  not enough time)
,you are neglecting yourself.If your snacking has snowballed and
you have been hiding behind oversize clothes,it's time to make a change
It's high time you take out sometime and money for yourself .What
you should keep in mind is that a little bit of pampering yourself.
is not bad at all.One thing to remember ,"others take notice of
you only if you do same for yoyrself."


The things you do in your daily life can easily show the kind
of person you are.


In this 21st century we all thought an believe that the old NEPAL has
changed and become new one.But no we all have forgetten that even now
the Nepalese have same sorrowful life .I am not here to give you lecture
about this and that but isnt NEPAL our real home?I think we all dont havre
capacity do do or make better NEPAL but let us make a part of this country
just where we live to be a beautiful and peace place.


I felt a stab of pain and slowly massaged my temples,closing my eyes to shut out the unwelcome light entering the room as my roommate roughly threw open the window.The sweet smell of lemon entered the room,a favorite fragrance of mine ever since I was a little girl.But it was impossible to enjoy it now,not with all the anxiety I was going through.
 "It's not going to help you,if you sit here feeling sorry for yourself.You  have no one else to blame other than yourself for this mess".she rebuked me.I cringed ot her words,sinking deeper into my blanket.She was right.I
couldn't blame anyone but myself.I felt a gush of air hit my back as she pulled the blanket."Get up and get
ready for class in 15minutes or you"re going to be late again'"she yelled.I sighed and got out of bed.But even before I could reach the bathroom door,I felt a familiar cramp in my lower abdomen.Simultaneously , I felt
ABOUT OF NAUSEA BEING WORSE IN THE MORNINGS.eVERY morning  I woke up with the the same nauseating feeling,which lasted till late afternoon.By then I would be too drained to do anything other than sleep.
At first I thought I had caught the flu which everyone seemed to catch at the hospital.B ut rather
than getting better my ..............
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